Other interesting or useful blogs/sites you might visit:
Boston Hidden Gems If you are ever in Boston and want a delightfully nerdy tour of the American Revolution battlefields, I can recommend this company. https://www.bostonhiddengems.com/revolution-250
Kronoskaf: Seven Years War. An invaluable site for all things of that seminal turning point of the 18th century. http://www.kronoskaf.com/syw/index.php?title=Main_Page
Kronoskaf: War of the Spanish Succession. Similar site for this early "world war" of the 18th century.
Seven Years War: For an extremely thorough source on uniforms and flags of the early and mid 18th century, there is this site: http://pfef.free.fr/Anc_Reg/Unif_Org.htm
Grognard: A terrific resource for wargamers https://grognard.com/
H.G.Wells: Little Wars Online publication of H.G.Wells' 1913 book which first introduced the idea of wargaming with model soldiers (which detractors call "toy soldiers"). https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3691/3691-h/3691-h.htm
The Miniatures Page Comprehensive site for military miniatures wargamers. https://theminiaturespage.com/
Napoleon, His Armies and Enemies: Very good resource for all details of Napoleonic armies from most of the belligerents--uniforms, organization, tactics, battles. http://napoleonistyka.atspace.com/
NOAA Sunrise/Sunset Calculator: This is the app I use to calculate relevant data for sunrise, sunset, moon phase and moonrise for any geographic location for any date in history. https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/sunrise.html and updated version is to be found here: https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/
Ranges of Napoleonic Ordnance: Quick reference for the ranges of artillery from the Napoleonic era: https://napoleonguide.com/artillery_ranges.htm
Regiments Under Louis XV: very good resource for uniforms and flags of the French Army during the wars of the mid-18th century. http://pfef.free.fr/Anc_Reg/Unif_Org/Mouillard/mouillard.htm
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