11 September 1709
War of the Spanish Succession
Pro-Habsburg Forces under The Duke of Marlborough approx.86,000* with 113 guns
Pro-Bourbon Forces under le Duc de Villars & le Duc de Boufflers, approx. 74,000* with 80 guns
Location: 50° 22' 10" N, 3° 53' 35" E. or search for Taisnieres-sur-Hon, France, up near the French-Belgian border
Weather: Fog in the morning, clearing about 0730. Otherwise a beautiful day...well...except for all the death and destruction.
Sunrise: 0538 Sunset: 1615 Moonrise: 1527 Moonset: 2213 waxing 51% half
(calculated from U.S. Naval Observatory from lat/long and date)
Another horrible 9/11, this battle was the largest fought during the 18th century (at least in Western Europe), and the most devastating in terms of casualties, rivaling even the big Napoleonic battles a century later. Though it was counted as one of Marlborough's victories, since he lost far more men than the French, it was, as they say, a Pyrrhic one; sort of like the Breed's Hill for the British in my last post. As my grandfather used to sarcastically joke whenever we'd watch a war movie together on TV...
"More fun! More people killed!"
By 1709 this war to decide the succession of the vacated Spanish throne by either the Habsburg claimant, Charles III in Vienna, or the Bourbon claimant, Louis XIV's grandson, Philip V (or, as the Allies referred to him, the Duke of Anjou) had been going on for seven long years. By this year the rest of Europe had been at war for eighteen of the previous twenty years (including the unimaginatively named, Nine Years' War, 1688-1697 ). So everybody was getting pretty sick and tired. As Virginia Mayo stomped her foot and said to George Sanders in that awful 1954 movie King Richard and the Crusaders "War! War! That's all you ever think about, Dick Plantagenet!"
And France itself, by this time, was pretty much broke. And Louie Bourbon was ready to think of something else.
Adding injury to insult, the winter of 1708-9, at the
height of the "Little Ice Age", saw France suffering one of the worst frosts in
memory and wiped out much of that country's seed harvest. Attempts to purchase corn on credit from the North
African Beys was cut off by British sea power and a better offering
price from the English. Starvation was ravaging
France. Presaging what would happen in eighty years after another bout of famine, the kingdom was on
the verge of popular revolution, which would be fatal to the monarchy and turn France into a republic like the Netherlands. The Sun King was, for the first time in his long reign, in the mood to negotiate an end to the war. He couldn't feed his huge army, which had suffered defeat after defeat. And more dangerously, he couldn't feed his subjects, who had just about had it with him. He was ready to accede to almost every territorial demand of his enemies.
The Allied powers, supported by England, were in a slightly better economic condition, and a much better military one. But both Marlborough and the ruling Whig Party in England were ready to negotiate an end. Endless war was till costly, even when you were winning.
However, the newly formed United Kingdom's allies, the Dutch, wanted not only unconditional surrender of the French, they wanted what they called a Barrier of fortified towns across the Spanish Netherlands (present day Belgium) handed over to them to prevent any future French threat to their country. Moreover, their additions to the treaty proposal, the infamous Articles 9 and 37, demanded that not only would Louis abandon his grandson Philip V's claim to the Spanish throne, he would also contribute troops to war against him, helping to subjugate Spain to Habsburg control. These were clearly "poison pills" the Dutch and Habsburgs knew Louis could not accept, even though he was willing to give in to every other territorial demand. England's two biggest allies didn't want the war to end until the complete humiliation of France. And those last minute demands made sure it would continue for another four bloody years.
Initial deployment and moves. Note that each battalion and squadron occupies the proportional footprint it would have given its estimated strength and formation. And the coloring of each is according to its uniform coat color. Also, as you study this digital "diorama", note that the sunlight is coming from the lower right, so shadows are taking that into account. I have had comments that the gullies look like ridges because we are accustomed to light coming from the upper left.
A Shrewd Plan
At the same time, Louis appointed one of his most aggressive and competent remaining marshals to take command on the northern front, Claude Louis Hector le Duc de Villars. His previous commanders on that front, like Tallard, Marsin, Villeroi, Vendôme, Bourgogne had all failed when confronting Marlborough. The Sun King wanted someone who wouldn't fall for the same ploys. He wanted a prudent commander who would check Marlborough and Eugene without getting sucked into a catastrophic battle, and thereby keep the border of France secure.
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Maréchal le duc de Villars by Hyacinthe Rigaud 1704 |
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Marlborough and Eugene, at the Sars windmill, observing the French digging in. |
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Maréchal le duc de Boufflers Villars's second-in-command |
He had also been helped by a very capable staff of inspired and inspiring generals, including d'Artagnan (who had been an inspiration in Alexandre Dumas's Three Musketeers novels over a century later), d'Alberotti, Chèmerault, Puységur, Steckemberg, and, finally, the venerable Maréchal le Duc de Boufflers, hero of the Nine Years War, who had come out of retirement with his old cuirass and deigned to serve under the younger Villars. Villars assigned the senior Boufflers to command the right wing. He was confident that this sixty-five-year old professional soldier would follow orders and hold his position, not launching any impulsive counter-attacks.
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William Cadogan Marlborough's Chief of Staff and and Chief of Intelligence |
By about 0730 the fog began to evaporate and the two sides could just make each other out and the opposing artillery started to renew their bombardment of the previous day. At about 0830 Marlborough ordered his central battery of 40 guns to open up, the signal to formally start the battle.
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Prince Eugene of Savoy by Jacob van Schuppen |
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Johan Willem Friso Prince of Orange definitely looking his age |
The Dutch/Scots wing fell back and regrouped, Orange rallied the survivors (3,600?) and managed to talk them into a second attempt, this one joined by Fagel's division of 14 battalions (approx. 7,700). Same slaughter. Same result...or lack thereof. There are paintings of Orange himself at the top of the French redoubts, but each of his attacks were finally driven back by d'Artagnan's regiments and artillery, who outnumbered the Dutch in this sector.
Below, Prince of Orange seizing the summit of one of the French redoubts. By Charles Rochussen 1867
Marshall Boufflers, in charge of the French right wing, has been criticized by his contemporaries and military historians for not immediately ordering a counter-attack. He had more than enough reserve troops, both foot and horse. In fact, two regiments, Picardie and Navarre, were already forming up after the repulse of Orange's second assault to make a counter-attack. The ground in front of the redoubts was covered in dead and writhing wounded and they had begun to wend their way over the bodies.
But Boufflers' orders from Villars had been pretty emphatic; he was to hold his ground and not make any attacks himself, even if they had thrown off any by the Dutch. And he wasn't going to countermand those orders without a specific one from Villars himself. For all he knew, a counter-attack was exactly what Marlborough may have been counting on, to throw the French off guard and draw them into a trap in the open country beyond the woods. Also, they could all see that the Prince of Hesse-Kassel's 18 squadrons of Dutch horse had already moved up to protect the retreating foot (which was their job, after all). And Rantzau had sent over two more fresh Hanoverian battalions from the center to reinforce the Dutch, already rallying for a third attempt.
About 1100, after this had been going on for some two hours Marlborough had personally ridden over to see the carnage wrought on his Dutch allies. Disturbed by it, he politely told the young prince that he had done enough, thus stopping a third banzai charge. He didn't tell him his attacks were just a diversion. That would've been dumb. And poor leadership. In the words of James Cromwell in that adorable movie, Babe, I remember seeing with my little daughter way back, "That'll do, pig." So Orange didn't make a third attack.
It had been an extremely costly operation, which cost both sides thousands. But the French, for their part, managed to hold the line on their right.
As an aside about the Prince of Orange, I think it's sad that this incredibly brave young man, who showed such promise of leadership, would drown tragically just two years later in a dumb boating accident that had nothing to do with fighting the war. They didn't find his body, washed up on the river bank, for eight days. Twenty-three years old. Six weeks later his son was born.
Reminds me of how George S. Patton, the famous general of WWII, died in a stupid car accident right after the war. His last words were, "This is a hell of a way to die."
What was happening back on the other side of the battlefield?
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Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg I know, after awhile, all these portraits look the same. I think it's the wigs |
The regimental organization had deteriorated on both sides so that there were just disordered clumps of soldiers of both sides hacking and shooting at each other. The Allied troops would fight forward a few yards and find yet another line of downed trees tied together to form makeshift abatis (abatii?). As they tore at them to drag the trees out of the way, the undaunted French would fire at them, killing and maiming even more. But they kept on. It has been reported that the Allies had lost some 7,000 men so far in this fight of their original 38,000.
Meanwhile, Villars, in spite swearing he wouldn't do it, was falling into Marlborough's and Eugene's trap. Remember they wanted to attack the French flanks, as they had at Blenheim and Ramillies, to compel the enemy to weaken his center to reinforce them. Villars knew this, but by midday, as there was no evident movement against his center, he had started to order one battalion after another there to abandon their redoubts and hustle over to reinforce the outnumbered d'Albergotti on the left.
Nevertheless, about noon the Allies had finally managed to push back the French from the woods and into the redoubts behind them around the village of Erquenne. Villars saw that the Allied troops were themselves completely disorganized and trying to rally within the woods Finally, he emptied all the center entrenchments entirely by ordering the Irish Brigade and the regiment of Champagne), and then the Bavarian Gardes Brigade to hurry to the left and attack the British and Prussians in the flank before they could rally.
Schulenburg had moved some of his 12-pounder guns through the woods to the southwestern edge to begin bombarding the emplacements in the plain beyond.
Around noon, after Eugene and Marlborough had returned from the left after stopping the Prince of Orange from making a third suicidal attack. They galloped back to the west and entered the Sars Wood to see how it was going there. The two generals were so close to the front that Eugene was slightly wounded by a shot that grazed his ear (does this sound familiar?), but he shrugged it off, telling his alarmed staff and Marlborough that it was nothing, that if they were defeated it wouldn't matter and if they were victorious there would be time enough afterward to treat it.
Prince Eugene (center on the white horse) and Marlborough (right center on the other white horse) arriving at the Sars Woods to see how things were progressing. This was before the Eugene's ear was grazed, or maybe the artist hadn't got that tidbit of detail. As in his painting above, this one has people removing downed trees and stripping bodies to rob them. By Louis Laguerre c 1713
Historical Misinformation
There was an anecdote written in the memoirs of one of the soldiers, a Capt.Robert Parker, of Ingoldsby's Foot (later the 18th, Royal Irish Fusiliers), in which he described his redcoats coming up against the redcoats of the Irish Brigade. (He doesn't specify which regiment, other than to say it was of the "Royal Irish Brigade".) The Franco-Irish fired by the first rank (the traditional tactic in most armies of the time). Parker's regiment fired its "first firing", or six platoons of the eighteen, in the newer platoon-firing sequence used at that time by the British and Dutch infantry. Then the enemy fired its next full rank. Then his fired its second six platoons. Then the Franco-Irish fired their third and final rank and retired. Parker said this was supposed to demonstrate the superiority of the platoon-firing method of the British and Dutch over the firing-by-ranks of the French and all other armies of the time. (See a detailed and graphic description of these two firing systems in my post on Blenheim, "Platoon Fire vs Fire-by-Ranks".) But he also said that the French bullets were only 2/3 the weight of the British (24/lb vs 16/lb) and so less effective. But Parker also thought this was an interesting coincidence of two Irish regiments (one Catholic and one Protestant) fighting each other in the same battle.
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What were they thinking? |
Another incident reported in this confusing woodsy combat was when the French Irish Brigade encountered one of the French regiments in the forest.Through the smoke and foliage its red coats were taken as British by the Frenchmen, who let loose a couple of volleys on them, resulting in hundreds of casualties of "friendly fire". This actually seems more plausible since I always thought this predilection for the "Wild Geese" (the nickname of the ex-pat Irish fighting in Continental armies) to insist on wearing the red uniforms of their sworn enemies (the "bloody sassenachs", or Brits) to be an accident waiting to happen.
Villars is wounded. Everything changes.
By a little after 1200 what was left of Schulenburg's and Lottum's divisions would have reached the southwestern edge of the Sars Woods. There they would've confronted the third line of French entrenchments around Erquenne. Villars had really insured that his position was well defended. With a sigh, the two Allied commanders went about the process of rallying their exhausted troops to press home their attack. While it has been estimated that they may have lost some 7,000 men in the battle up to and through the woods, they still outnumbered the French in this sector. And they sensed that it was now or never.
Schulenburg had managed to have about seven cannons hauled through the woods and set up on its edge to begin bombarding the French. Their first target was to drive back the massed ranks of cavalry on the ridge behind the village. After those withdrew a hundred yards or so to cover, the next target was to enfilade the redoubts of the enemy infantry around Erquenne.
Villars, for his part, was not ready to concede. He still had something like 55 battalions (albeit somewhat depleted), but 17 (about 7,000 men under Puységur) were fresh. The rest still had fight left in them. He was in the process of organizing a counter-attack when he was hit in the leg by a musket ball. At first he though it was a minor wound and kept on issuing orders and inspiring the troops. But soon, after his boot filled with blood, he passed out from blood-loss and pain and had to be taken from the field. This left his second-in-command, d'Albergotti in command, but he too was almost immediately wounded and evacuated. His second, Chémerault, was then killed almost instantly. This left poor Puységur in charge, and apparently he hadn't been apprised of Villars's intent to counter-attack. Instead, he just ordered the infantry to withdraw, which they began to do in stages and in order.
While this was going on, Withers's 19 battalions and the 19 squadrons of Micklau's cavalry had finally found their way through the Sars Wood to the far west (where it was locally called the Bois de Blaugies) and started to come out to reform on the plain in front of the village of La Folie. But as Micklau's horse were in the process of deploying from column into line in the open, they were attacked by the Carabiniers and dragoons of the extreme French left. Micklau's troopers were slaughtered and driven back into the woods. Unsupported, and with cavalry and riderless horses galloping back through his ranks, Withers decided not to try and form up on the plain in front of the woods in the face of thousands of French dragoons and heavy cavalry.
The coup de grace
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George Hamilton, Earl of Orkney the way he looked in 1700, when he was 33. |
It was about 1300. As Schulenburg was reforming his troops for an attack out of the woods into the French left, Marlborough and Eugene rode up and he expressed his opinion that now might be the time to spring the trap and attack the center...just saying. They could all see that the redans in the center had been abandoned to reinforce the western flank and were just ripe for the picking. Marlborough agreed and sent orders back to Orkney in command of the fifteen British and Hanoverian battalions waiting back behind the Tiry Wood to attack. He also issued orders to d'Auvergne, Wood, von Bülow, Württemberg, and Hesse-Cassel--the entire Allied cavalry--to be ready to swarm through the center, supported by Orkney's infantry and guns.
Orkney later described his "attack" as a virtual walk in the park. Advancing the 1,400 yards to the empty redans, he claimed they had no casualties. This seems odd since the French still had guns in battery to the right. It is also possible he meant they had no casualties in seizing the redans themselves, since they were empty. He himself had brought ten guns with him and they all occupied the redans (facing the other way, of course). The only French infantry still in the enter were the six battalions of the Gardes Françaises and the Gardes Suisses, the supposed elite of the elite of the French Army. For some mysterious reason, these just bolted as soon as the redcoats came within musket range. Perhaps their officers were confused about why all the Irish and Bavarian regiments to their left had been ordered to abandon their redans and thought the battle was lost. Had no one bothered to tell them? The infantry to their right, however, who had been taking terrible losses but holding back attack after attack from the Dutch, and had held their positions, were probably disgusted by the retreat of the Gardes. They didn't bolt.
Allied cavalry moving forward to support Orkney's attack on the abandoned redans in the French center. by Henri Dupray
At any rate, as soon as the British and Hanoverian regiments had occupied the entrenchments in the center, Marlborough had almost all of his cavalryg--some 20,000 horse in 220 squadrons--filter in wave after wave through the gaps between the redans.
The French horse, however, was not of the same weak-knees as the foot Gardes. With 24,000 themselves in 247 squadrons, and led personally by the 61-year-old Marshal Boufflers, they counter-attacked, driving the first wave of Allied horse back through those same gaps. Had it not been for the British infantry and their artillery manning those redans, they might have chased the Allied cavalry all the way back to Mons and won the battle.
But it was Orkney who held the critical redoubts and kept the French cavalry at bay. This cavalry battle went on until almost 1500. The French horse held back the Allies for nearly two hours while the rest of the French army was able to withdraw in order, taking most of their artillery with them, back to the previously prepared lines from Mauberge to Valenciennes.
French Carabiniers and Wood's Horse (later 3rd Dragoon Guards) by Richard Simkin
Okay, we're done.
By 1500 the battle was pretty much over. Boufflers, made aware that Villars was taken wounded from the field, still took his original orders literally and did not rally for a counter-attack. He instead directed an orderly withdrawal, staying with his cavalry until he was sure that all of his infantry and as many of his guns as could be were drawn off (61 of the original 80). Only 500 French were made prisoners. There was no panicked flight. Even the Gardes reformed and marched to the rear in order (though I can imagine the sarcastic taunts that accompanied them).
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Tapestry commemorating Marlborough's "victory" at Malplaquet, Blenheim Palace |
In terms of casualties, one could say (and I'm one) that Marlborough actually lost. The Allies suffered 22,939 dead and wounded, or 21-27% (depending on whether 86,000 or 111,000 were engaged). The French lost about 11,000, or less than half that number, or around 15%. It was a definite pyrrhic victory. In fact, as Marshal Villars reported to Louis,
"If it pleases God to give your enemies another such victory, they are ruined."
In fact, I would go farther and say that this was a strategic defeat for Marlborough. One wonders why he fought this devastating battle to begin with. But in context of the failed peace negotiations earlier, his pressure from the Whig government in London to end the war by annihilating the French, and his hope that this would force Louis to finally agree to terms, you can see he might have thought it was worth the gamble. He had managed, for the first time, to invade France itself (if only by a few hundred yards), and maybe he thought that would bring Louis to terms. And he did resume the siege of Mons, taking it a little over a month later (23 October).
But Marlborough also had a still intact and formidable French army facing him. He admitted, "The French have defended themselves better in this action than in any battle I've seen." And though the war went on for another four years, Marlborough had been eclipsed politically and diplomatically. He fought no further field battles though, in 1711, he achieved a brilliant campaign of completely outmaneuvering Villars's Line of Defense and taking the reputed impregnable fortress of Bouchain and threatening Paris itself.
But Queen Anne and the British were tired of the war. The sheer carnage of Malplaquet gave the pro-peace Tories a dramatic argument that the war had gone on too long. In 1711 they took back power in Parliament with a landslide election. One of their first acts was to charged Marlborough with corruption (falsely, as it turned out), claiming he was only prolonging the war to make himself rich, and Anne dismissed him. The Dutch were shocked by this as he was their savior and hero, but they themselves were completely broke by the war, as were the Imperials and all the other Allied states. The Tories and the Dutch began to make separate negotiations to end the war to their advantage, which they accomplished by 1713 at Utrecht.
So, in the end Malplaquet, though a tapestry in the Hall of Victories at Blenheim Palace, proved to be a political defeat for Marlborough. And ultimately that proved a victory for Louis XIV, who ended up getting nearly everything he wanted by starting the war in the first place. His grandson, Philip V, was confirmed as King of Spain, which was started the goddam war in the first place. The British got permanent possession of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, the Hudson Bay Terriroty, Gibralter, and Minorca. The Austrians got the Spanish Netherlands (future Belgium)...now the Austrian Netherlands for a few years. And a bunch of other principalities and lands changed hands...not that the inhabitants cared.
Wargaming Malplaquet
As you may have noticed, there are a number of scenarios about this battle that might be interesting to test in a wargame, decisions or opportunities that were or were not taken.
1. Villars does not weaken his center.
The French player could choose not to denude his center redans to reinforce his left. He would still have reserves under Puységur to do that with, as well as his cavalry on the left.
2. Boufflers counter-attacks
After the Prince of Orange's failed second assault on the French right, Boufflers ignores his previous orders to stand fast and authorizes d'Artagnan to launch a counter-attack, supported his cavalry.
3. Villars is not wounded
The only reason Villars did not launch is counter-attack with his left-hand reserves was that he passed out from his wound. See what would've happened had Puységur's fresh troops been used to attack Schulenburg's and Lottum's exhausted and depleted ones.
4. Villars attacks Marlborough on the 10th
Villars had been criticized for not attacking Marlborough in detail before Eugene and Withers were on the scene. See if this might've worked.
5. Withers reinforces the Dutch
Another controversy is that Withers, with his 22 battalions and 19 squadrons (under Micklau), was stopped and redirected to wend through the Bois de Sars on the west. See if those troops had been allowed to keep marching to support Tilly on the left (as the Gardes te Voet were)
6. Marlborough outmaneuvers Villars
Suppose Marlborough distracts Villars with a pinning show of force (of his and Tilly's 48,000) in front of the Auloit Gap and has Eugene and his 38,000 march either around the western end of the Bois de Sars and attack in force from that direction, or around the eastern end of the Bois de Lanières and attack from the southeast.
7. Marlborough does nothing but continues the siege of Mons
Another scenario I had thought about was what would a battle have been like had Marlborough and Eugene just continued their siege of Mons and ignored Villars. It was Louis XIV who ordered Villars to relieve Mons and not let it fall. The Allies still outnumbered the French, so would a battle on the open plain above all those woods have fared differently? And if Villars, not wanting to risk an open battle, did not interrupt the siege, tens of thousands would not have died and the French border would still have been secure.
Tactical considerations
Different Fire Systems
I know that those of you steeped in tactics of the 17th and 18th centuries are aware of the competing musketry fire systems in this age. How the English and Dutch had pioneered the three-rank, platoon fire system while the French and nearly all the other Continental infantries continued using the fire-by-ranks system, a holdover from the age of arquebuses. Whatever game engine you use, I would encourage you to account for this difference as it would probably make an impact in a wargame.
I would encourage you to see my discussion and graphics on these two systems at the end of my Blenheim post from 12 years ago.
The British and Dutch forces continued to deploy in three ranks for infantry and two ranks for horse. The other allied forces, including the Prussians, would deploy in four ranks for infantry and three for horse.
The French, the slowest to evolve tactically, still used their formations that had brought them so much success since the Thirty Years War, seventy years before. Officially they were supposed to deploy their infantry into six ranks, but as the frontage was to remain consistent, and since the size of their battalions was, in many cases, half would the authorized strength should be, at Malplaquet they probably deployed in four ranks, like their Continental counterparts. They also deployed their cavalry in three ranks.
My maps reflect these dimensions in representing individual battalions and squadrons.
At this date, artillery was still manned by small crews of professional gunners. Militarized transport did not yet exist and so the guns were moved to the battlefield by civilian contractors, who would then take their limbers, wagons, and selves back behind the main camp, out of harm's way. Movement on the battlefield itself was done by bricole (dragging by ropes) by the gunners and borrowed infantry from the closest battalions.
Where time allowed, revetments were thrown up to protect the guns. Otherwise, if there was much movement, they'd be deployed in the open.
Orders of Battle
These data are based primarily on a combination of the Kronoskaf's and MacDowell's OOBs for the battle. The following is a key to each column.
Command is the name of the command or regiment, colored in the primary uniform coat color for each regiment. Where known, this is followed by the regimental number it would eventually be known as later in the century, when the more obsessive-compulsive felt the need to numerically organize their armies. Where I could not find any reference to these uniform details, I have colored them the generic grey of the period.
“Facing” The command level and type, using standard military symbology . This column is color-coded in the “facing” color of the regiment. During the WSS these would be primarily the colors of the voluminous cuffs. As with the coat color, where I could not find any information on regimental facings, I've also colored this cell neutral grey.
Flag A miniature of the regimental flag, if known. If unknown, this cell is left blank. You'll note that the British flags for this period had officially changed from the previous WSS battles in that there were the Acts of Union between Scotland and England passed by their parliaments in 1707, creating the nation we now know as Great Britain. So the flags of each country (the red cross on white of St George and and the white X on blue of St Andrew) were hybridized into the form familiar (or almost) to the modern flag we know today.
“Nationality” Since each army was composed of allies, I've listed the country of origin of each unit. Now that the Scots and English were one people, I've called them British. But Scots and Irish and Germans were also incorporated in the French cause, so I've listed these regiments' ethnicity here too.
“Strength” These are approximations, I took the authorized full establishment of each regiment at the time. However, I could not find a common, definitive overall present-for-duty for each unit in my sources and I assume that each army was not operating at full strength. While Chandler gives the Allies 110,000, for instance, Wikipedia (with its different sources) cites only 86,000. Chandler gives the French 80,000, Kronoskaf gives them 95,000, and Wikipedia only 75,000. For computing strengths for your own wargame OOBs, I recommend applying a standard deviation from these full-strength ones.
“Guns” The number of guns of all calibers.
“Bns/Sdns” The reported number of subunits (Battalions for Foot, and Squadrons for Horse). The number of foot battalions present at the battle is fairly reliable based on my references, but the number of squadrons is conjectural--I've used the Kronoskaf estimate for this.
Barthorp, Michael & Mcbride, Angus, Marlborough's Army 1702-11,
Men-at-Arms #97, 1980, Osprey Press, London, ISBN: 0-85045-346-1
Chandler, David, The Art of Warfare in the Age of
Marlborough, 1994, Sarpedon, New York, ISBN: 1-885119-14-13
Chandler, David, Marlborough as Military Commander,
1984, Spellmont, Staplehurst, Kent, UK, ISBN: 0-946771-12-X
Chartrand, Rene, Louis XIV's Army, Men-at-Arms #203,
1988, Osprey Press, London, ISBN: 0-85045-850-1
Churchill, Sir Winston S., Marlborough, His Life and Times, Vol 4.,
1938, reprint 1967,Sphere Books Ltd, London (sorry, published before the ISBN system), this is a link to buy a used set. Since it seems to be out of print, too, you can also read it online at Internet Archive.
Falkner, James, Marlborough's Battlefields, 2008, Pen
& Sword Books ISBN: 978-1-84415-632-0
Grant, Charles Stewart, From Pike to Shot, 1685-1720, 1986,
Wargames Research Group, ISBN 0904417395
Greiss, Thomas E., et. al., The Dawn of Modern Warfare, The West
Point Military History Series, 1984, Avery Publishing, ISBN: 0-89529-263-7
Hall, Robert and Iain Stanford and Yves Roumegoux, Uniforms and Flags of the Dutch Army and the Army of Liege, 1685-1715, 2013, Pike & Shot Society, ISBN 1902768523, CD-ROM from On Military Matters. This source was also extremely diligent in describing uniforms, flags, organization, tactical deployment, and the changing regimental names by date for the Dutch and it's mercenary forces.
Jorgensen, Christer, et.al., Fighting Techniques of the Early Modern
World, AD 155- AD 1763. 2005, St Martin's Press, New York, ISBN:
MacDowell, Simon, Malplaquet 1709: Marlborough's Bloodiest Battle, 2020, Osprey Press, ISBN 978-1-4728-4123-0
Nosworthy, Brent, The Anatomy of Victory: Battle Tactics 1689-1763, 1990, Hippocrene Books, New York, ISBN: 0-87052-785-1 Wagner, Eduard, European Weapons & Warfare 1618-1648, 1979, Octopus Books, London, ISBN 0-7064-1072-6 While this book covers a generation or two before Ramillies, it has a very informative section on the types and use of artillery throughout the 17th century, which our characters would have still employed in 1706. Military technology was not moving as fast in the early modern period as it would in the late modern, though, as Nosworthy explains, the introduction of the flint musket with bayonet replaced the old arquebus and pike of the 17th century and encouraged the introduction of fewer ranks in the infantry.
More and more, when I research one of these battles online via Google, its AI tries to offer help. But it has yet to be at all useful, and is frequently wrong. So I use the following:
Kronoskaf https://kronoskaf.com/wssindex.phptitle=1709-09-11_%E2%80%93_Battle_of_Malplaquet Best site for the most reliable and comprehensive source for the War of the Spanish Succession: armies, regiments, battles, personalities.
Wikipedia (obviously) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Malplaquet,
map from the Royal Collection Trust, done by an anonymous map maker in
Britain during the reign of George I (1714-1727), was my main and
definitive source for creating my maps. It was the most recent and
detailed map of the battle I could find and I gave it much more credence
than the other, more generalized charts, particularly in the location
of the gun batteries and French fortifications. https://militarymaps.rct.uk/war-of-the-spanish-succession-1701-14/map-of-the-battle-of-malplaquet-1709-malplaquet-nord-pas-de-calais-france-50deg1911n-03deg5156e
British Battles Site https://www.britishbattles.com/war-of-the-spanish-succession/battle-of-malplaquet/
Penant, Daniel, French Account of the Battle of Malplaquet https://www.jstor.org/stable/26899866?read-now=1&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Mouillard, for contemporary uniform and flag references on the French Army during the 18th centuryhttp://pfef.free.fr/Anc_Reg/Unif_Org/Mouillard/mouillard.htm
Bacchus painting guide for uniform references https://www.baccus6mm.com/PaintingGuides/WSS/
The War Office, UK, for detailed information about Danish forces during the WSS
Tacitus, https://www.tacitus.nu/english.html more detailed information on Danish, Prussian, Saxon, Holstein-Gottorp regiments during the WSS from Örjan Martinsson
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